In the evening Mr. Trelawny took again the whole party into the study.
When we were all attention he began to unfold his plans:
"I have come to the conclusion that for the proper carrying out of what
we will call our Great Experiment we must have absolute and complete
isolation.  Isolation not merely for a day or two, but for as long as we
may require.  Here such a thing would be impossible; the needs and
habits of a great city with its ingrained possibilities of interruption,
would, or might, quite upset us.  Telegrams, registered letters, or
express messengers would alone be sufficient; but the great army of
those who want to get something would make disaster certain.  In
addition, the occurrences of the last week have drawn police attention
to this house.  Even if special instructions to keep an eye on it have
not been issued from Scotland Yard or the District Station, you may be
sure that the individual policeman on his rounds will keep it well under
observation.  Besides, the servants who have discharged themselves will
before long begin to talk.  They must; for they have, for the sake of
their own characters, to give some reason for the termination of a
service which has I should say a position in the neighbourhood.  The
servants of the neighbours will begin to talk, and, perhaps the
neighbours themselves.  Then the active and intelligent Press will, with
its usual zeal for the enlightenment of the public and its eye to
increase of circulation, get hold of the matter.  When the reporter is
after us we shall not have much chance of privacy.  Even if we were to
bar ourselves in, we should not be free from interruption, possibly from
intrusion.  Either would ruin our plans, and so we must take measures to
effect a retreat, carrying all our impedimenta with us.  For this I am
prepared.  For a long time past I have foreseen such a possibility, and
have made preparation for it.  Of course, I had no foreknowledge of what
has happened; but I knew something would, or might, happen.  For more
than two years past my house in Cornwall has been made ready to receive
all the curios which are preserved here. When Corbeck went off on his
search for the lamps I had the old house at Kyllion made ready; it is
fitted with electric light all over, and all the appliances for
manufacture of the light are complete.  I had perhaps better tell you,
for none of you, not even Margaret, knows anything of it, that the house
is absolutely shut out from public access or even from view.  It stands
on a little rocky promontory behind a steep hill, and except from the
sea cannot be seen.  Of old it was fenced in by a high stone wall, for
the house which it succeeded was built by an ancestor of mine in the
days when a great house far away from a centre had to be prepared to
defend itself. Here, then, is a place so well adapted to our needs that
it might have been prepared on purpose.  I shall explain it to you when
we are all there.  This will not be long, for already our movement is in
train.  I have sent word to Marvin to have all preparation for our
transport ready.  He is to have a special train, which is to run at
night so as to avoid notice.  Also a number of carts and stone-wagons,
with sufficient men and appliances to take all our packing-cases to
Paddington.  We shall be away before the Argus-eyed Pressman is on the
watch.  We shall today begin our packing up; and I dare say that by
tomorrow night we shall be ready.  In the outhouses I have all the
packing-cases which were used for bringing the things from Egypt, and I
am satisfied that as they were sufficient for the journey across the
desert and down the Nile to Alexandria and thence on to London, they
will serve without fail between here and Kyllion.  We four men, with
Margaret to hand us such things as we may require, will be able to get
the things packed safely; and the carrier's men will take them to the
"Today the servants go to Kyllion, and Mrs. Grant will make such
arrangements as may be required.  She will take a stock of necessaries
with her, so that we will not attract local attention by our daily
needs; and will keep us supplied with perishable food from London.
Thanks to Margaret's wise and generous treatment of the servants who
decided to remain, we have got a staff on which we can depend.  They
have been already cautioned to secrecy, so that we need not fear gossip
from within. Indeed, as the servants will be in London after their
preparations at Kyllion are complete, there will not be much subject for
gossip, in detail at any rate.
"As, however, we should commence the immediate work of packing at once,
we will leave over the after proceedings till later when we have
Accordingly we set about our work.  Under Mr. Trelawny's guidance, and
aided by the servants, we took from the outhouses great packing-cases.
Some of these were of enormous strength, fortified by many thicknesses
of wood, and by iron bands and rods with screw-ends and nuts.  We placed
them throughout the house, each close to the object which it was to
contain.  When this preliminary work had been effected, and there had
been placed in each room and in the hall great masses of new hay,
cotton-waste and paper, the servants were sent away.  Then we set about
No one, not accustomed to packing, could have the slightest idea of the
amount of the amount of work involved in such a task as that in which in
we were engaged.  For my own part I had had a vague idea that there were
a large number of Egyptian objects in Mr. Trelawny's house; but until I
came to deal with them seriatim I had little idea of either their
importance, the size of some of them, or of their endless number.  Far
into the night we worked.  At times we used all the strength which we
could muster on a single object; again we worked separately, but always
under Mr. Trelawny's immediate direction.  He himself, assisted by
Margaret, kept an exact tally of each piece.
It was only when we sat down, utterly wearied, to a long-delayed supper
that we began to realise that a large part of the work was done.  Only
a few of the packing-cases, however, were closed; for a vast amount of
work still remained.  We had finished some of the cases, each of which
held only one of the great sarcophagi. The cases which held many objects
could not be closed till all had been differentiated and packed.
I slept that night without movement or without dreams; and on our
comparing notes in the morning, I found that each of the others had had
the same experience.
By dinner-time next evening the whole work was complete, and all was
ready for the carriers who were to come at midnight.  A little before
the appointed time we heard the rumble of carts; then we were shortly
invaded by an army of workmen, who seemed by sheer force of numbers to
move without effort, in an endless procession, all our prepared
packages.  A little over an hour sufficed them, and when the carts had
rumbled away, we all got ready to follow them to Paddington.  Silvio was
of course to be taken as one of our party.
Before leaving we went in a body over the house, which looked desolate
indeed.  As the servants had all gone to Cornwall there had been no
attempt at tidying-up; every room and passage in which we had worked,
and all the stairways, were strewn with paper and waste, and marked with
dirty feet.
The last thing which Mr. Trelawny did before coming away was to take
from the great safe the Ruby with the Seven Stars.  As he put it safely
into his pocket-book, Margaret, who had all at once seemed to grow
deadly tired and stood beside her father pale and rigid, suddenly became
all aglow, as though the sight of the Jewel had inspired her.  She
smiled at her father approvingly as she said:
"You are right, Father.  There will not be any more trouble tonight.
She will not wreck your arrangements for any cause.  I would stake my
life upon it."
"She--or something--wrecked us in the desert when we had come from the
tomb in the Valley of the Sorcerer!" was the grim comment of Corbeck,
who was standing by. Margaret answered him like a flash:
"Ah! she was then near her tomb from which for thousands of years her
body had not been moved.  She must know that things are different now."
"How must she know?" asked Corbeck keenly.
"If she has that astral body that Father spoke of, surely she must know!
How can she fail to, with an invisible presence and an intellect that
can roam abroad even to the stars and the worlds beyond us!"  She
paused, and her father said solemnly:
"It is on that supposition that we are proceeding.  We must have the
courage of our convictions, and act on them--to the last!"
Margaret took his hand and held it in a dreamy kind of way as we filed
out of the house.  She was holding it still when he locked the hall
door, and when we moved up the road to the gateway, whence we took a cab
to Paddington.
When all the goods were loaded at the station, the whole of the workmen
went on to the train; this took also some of the stone-wagons used for
carrying the cases with the great sarcophagi.  Ordinary carts and plenty
of horses were to be found at Westerton, which was our station for
Kyllion.  Mr. Trelawny had ordered a sleeping-carriage for our party;
as soon as the train had started we all turned into our cubicles.
That night I slept sound.  There was over me a conviction of security
which was absolute and supreme.  Margaret's definite announcement:
"There will not be any trouble tonight!" seemed to carry assurance with
it.  I did not question it; nor did anyone else.  It was only afterwards
that I began to think as to how she was so sure. The train was a slow
one, stopping many times and for considerable intervals.  As Mr.
Trelawny did not wish to arrive at Westerton before dark, there was no
need to hurry; and arrangements had been made to feed the workmen at
certain places on the journey.  We had our own hamper with us in the
private car.
All that afternoon we talked over the Great Experiment, which seemed to
have become a definite entity in our thoughts.  Mr. Trelawny became more
and more enthusiastic as the time wore on; hope was with him becoming
certainty.  Doctor Winchester seemed to become imbued with some of his
spirit, though at times he would throw out some scientific fact which
would either make an impasse to the other's line of argument, or would
come as an arresting shock.  Mr. Corbeck, on the other hand, seemed
slightly antagonistic to the theory.  It may have been that whilst the
opinions of the others advanced, his own stood still; but the effect was
an attitude which appeared negative, if not wholly one of negation.
As for Margaret, she seemed to be in some way overcome.  Either it was
some new phase of feeling with her, or else she was taking the issue
more seriously than she had yet done.  She was generally more or less
distraite, as though sunk in a brown study; from this she would recover
herself with a start.  This was usually when there occurred some marked
episode in the journey, such as stopping at a station, or when the
thunderous rumble of crossing a viaduct woke the echoes of the hills or
cliffs around us.  On each such occasion she would plunge into the
conversation, taking such a part in it as to show that, whatever had
been her abstracted thought, her senses had taken in fully all that had
gone on around her.  Towards myself her manner was strange.  Sometimes
it was marked by a distance, half shy, half haughty, which was new to
me.  At other times there were moments of passion in look and gesture
which almost made me dizzy with delight.  Little, however, of a marked
nature transpired during the journey.  There was but one episode which
had in it any element of alarm, but as we were all asleep at the time it
did not disturb us. We only learned it from a communicative guard in the
morning.  Whilst running between Dawlish and Teignmouth the train was
stopped by a warning given by someone who moved a torch to and fro right
on the very track.  The driver had found on pulling up that just ahead
of the train a small landslip had taken place, some of the red earth
from the high bank having fallen away.  It did not however reach to the
metals; and the driver had resumed his way, none too well pleased at the
delay.  To use his own words, the guard thought "there was too much
bally caution on this 'ere line!'"
We arrived at Westerton about nine o'clock in the evening.  Carts and
horses were in waiting, and the work of unloading the train began at
once.  Our own party did not wait to see the work done, as it was in the
hands of competent people.  We took the carriage which was in waiting,
and through the darkness of the night sped on to Kyllion.
We were all impressed by the house as it appeared in the bright
moonlight.  A great grey stone mansion of the Jacobean period; vast and
spacious, standing high over the sea on the very verge of a high cliff.
When we had swept round the curve of the avenue cut through the rock,
and come out on the high plateau on which the house stood, the crash and
murmur of waves breaking against rock far below us came with an
invigorating breath of moist sea air.  We understood then in an instant
how well we were shut out from the world on that rocky shelf above the
Within the house we found all ready.  Mrs. Grant and her staff had
worked well, and all was bright and fresh and clean.  We took a brief
survey of the chief rooms and then separated to have a wash and to
change our clothes after our long journey of more than four-and-twenty
We had supper in the great dining-room on the south side, the walls of
which actually hung over the sea.  The murmur came up muffled, but it
never ceased.  As the little promontory stood well out into the sea, the
northern side of the house was open; and the due north was in no way
shut out by the great mass of rock, which, reared high above us, shut
out the rest of the world.  Far off across the bay we could see the
trembling lights of the castle, and here and there along the shore the
faint light of a fisher's window.  For the rest the sea was a dark blue
plain with an occasional flicker of light as the gleam of starlight fell
on the slope of a swelling wave.
When supper was over we all adjourned to the room which Mr. Trelawny had
set aside as his study, his bedroom being close to it.  As we entered,
the first thing I noticed was a great safe, somewhat similar to that
which stood in his room in London.  When we were in the room Mr.
Trelawny went over to the table, and, taking out his pocket-book, laid
it on the table.  As he did so he pressed down on it with the palm of
his hand.  A strange pallor came over his face.  With fingers that
trembled he opened the book, saying as he did so:
"Its bulk does not seem the same; I hope nothing has happened!"
All three of us men crowded round close.  Margaret alone remained calm;
she stood erect and silent, and still as a statue.  She had a far-away
look in her eyes, as though she did not either know or care what was
going on around her.
With a despairing gesture Trelawny threw open the pouch of the
pocket-book wherein he had placed the Jewel of Seven Stars.  As he sank
down on the chair which stood close to him, he said in a hoarse voice:
"My God! it is gone.  Without it the Great Experiment can come to
His words seemed to wake Margaret from her introspective mood.  An
agonised spasm swept her face; but almost on the instant she was calm.
She almost smiled as she said:
"You may have left it in your room, Father.  Perhaps it has fallen out
of the pocket-book whilst you were changing."  Without a word we all
hurried into the next room through the open door between the study and
the bedroom.  And then a sudden calm fell on us like a cloud of fear.
There! on the table, lay the Jewel of Seven Stars, shining and sparkling
with lurid light, as though each of the seven points of each the seven
stars gleamed through blood!
Timidly we each looked behind us, and then at each other.  Margaret was
now like the rest of us.  She had lost her statuesque calm.  All the
introspective rigidity had gone from her; and she clasped her hands
together till the knuckles were white.
Without a word Mr. Trelawny raised the Jewel, and hurried with it into
the next room.  As quietly as he could he opened the door of the safe
with the key fastened to his wrist and placed the Jewel within.  When
the heavy doors were closed and locked he seemed to breathe more freely.
Somehow this episode, though a disturbing one in many ways, seemed to
bring us back to our old selves.  Since we had left London we had all
been overstrained; and this was a sort of relief.  Another step in our
strange enterprise had been effected.
The change back was more marked in Margaret than in any of us.  Perhaps
it was that she was a woman, whilst we were men; perhaps it was that she
was younger than the rest; perhaps both reasons were effective, each in
its own way.  At any rate the change was there, and I was happier than I
had been through the long journey.  All her buoyancy, her tenderness,
her deep feeling seemed to shine forth once more; now and again as her
father's eyes rested on her, his face seemed to light up.
Whilst we waited for the carts to arrive, Mr. Trelawny took us through
the house, pointing out and explaining where the objects which we had
brought with us were to be placed.  In one respect only did he withhold
confidence.  The positions of all those things which had connection with
the Great Experiment were not indicated. The cases containing them were
to be left in the outer hall, for the present.
By the time we had made the survey, the carts began to arrive; and the
stir and bustle of the previous night were renewed.  Mr. Trelawny stood
in the hall beside the massive ironbound door, and gave directions as to
the placing of each of the great packing-cases.  Those containing many
items were placed in the inner hall where they were to be unpacked.
In an incredibly short time the whole consignment was delivered; and the
men departed with a douceur for each, given through their foreman,
which made them effusive in their thanks.  Then we all went to our own
rooms.  There was a strange confidence over us all.  I do not think that
any one of us had a doubt as the the quiet passing of the remainder of
the night.
The faith was justified, for on our re-assembling in the morning we
found that all had slept well and peaceably.
During that day all the curios, except those required for the Great
Experiment, were put into the places designed for them.  Then it was
arranged that all the servants should go back with Mrs. Grant to London
on the next morning.
When they had all gone Mr. Trelawny, having seen the doors locked, took
us into the study.
"Now," said he when we were seated, "I have a secret to impart; but,
according to an old promise which does not leave me free, I must ask you
each to give me a solemn promise not to reveal it.  For three hundred
years at least such a promise has been exacted from everyone to whom it
ws told, and more than once life and safety were secured through loyal
observance of the promise.  Even as it is, I am breaking the letter, if
not the spirit of the tradition; for I should only tell it to the
immediate members of my family."
We all gave the promise required.  Then he went on:
"There is a secret place in this house, a cave, natural originally but
finished by labour, underneath this house.  I will not undertake to say
that it has always been used according to the law.  During the Bloody
Assize more than a few Cornishmen found refuge in it; and later, and
earlier, it formed, I have no doubt whatever, a useful place for storing
contraband goods.  'Tre Pol and Pen', I suppose you know, have always
been smugglers; and their relations and friends and neighbours have not
held back from the enterprise.  For all such reasons a safe hiding-place
was always considered a valuable possession; and as the heads of our
House have always insisted on preserving the secret, I am in honour
bound to it.  Later on, if all be well, I shall of course tell you,
Margaret, and you too, Ross, under the conditions that I am bound to
He rose up, and we all followed him.  Leaving us in the outer hall, he
went away alone for a few minutes; and returning, beckoned us to follow
In the inside hall we found a whole section of an outstanding angle
moved away, and from the cavity saw a great hole dimly dark, and the
beginning of a rough staircase cut in the rock.  As it was not pitch
dark there was manifestly some means of lighting it naturally, so
without pause we followed our host as he descended.  After some forty or
fifty steps cut in a winding passage, we came to a great cave whose
further end tapered away into blackness.  It was a huge place, dimly lit
by a few irregular slits of eccentric shape.  Manifestly these were
faults in the rock which would readily allow the windows be disguised.
Close to each of them was a hanging shutter which could be easily swung
across by means of a dangling rope. The sound of the ceaseless beat of
the waves came up muffled from far below.  Mr. Trelawny at once began to
"This is the spot which I have chosen, as the best I know, for the scene
of our Great Experiment.  In a hundred different ways it fulfils the
conditions which I am led to believe are primary with regard to success.
Here, we are, and shall be, as isolated as Queen Tera herself would have
been in her rocky tomb in the Valley of the Sorcerer, and still in a
rocky cavern.  For good or ill we must here stand by our chances, and
abide by results.  If we are successful we shall be able to let in on
the world of modern science such a flood of light from the Old World as
will change every condition of thought and experiment and practice.  If
we fail, then even the knowledge of our attempt will die with us.  For
this, and all else which may come, I believe we are prepared!"  He
paused.  No one spoke, but we all bowed our heads gravely in
acquiescence.  He resumed, but with a certain hesitancy:
"It is not yet too late!  If any of you have a doubt or misgiving, for
God's sake speak it now!  Whoever it may be, can go hence without let or
hindrance.  The rest of us can go on our way alone!"
Again he paused, and looked keenly at us in turn.  We looked at each
other; but no one quailed.  For my own part, if I had had any doubt as
to going on, the look on Margaret's face would have reassured me.  It
was fearless; it was intense; it was full of a divine calm.
Mr. Trelawny took a long breath, and in a more cheerful, as well as in a
more decided tone, went on:
"As we are all of one mind, the sooner we get the necessary matters in
train the better.  Let me tell you that this place, like all the rest of
the house, can be lit with electricity.  We could not join the wires to
the mains lest our secret should become known, but I have a cable here
which we can attach in the hall and complete the circuit!"  As he was
speaking, he began to ascend the steps.  From close to the entrance he
took the end of a cable; this he drew forward and attached to a switch
in the wall.  Then, turning on a tap, he flooded the whole vault and
staircase below with light.  I could now see from the volume of light
streaming up into the hallway that the hole beside the staircase went
direct into the cave.  Above it was a pulley and a mass of strong tackle
with multiplying blocks of the Smeaton order.  Mr. Trelawny, seeing me
looking at this, said, correctly interpreting my thoughts:
"Yes! it is new.  I hung it there myself on purpose.  I knew we should
have to lower great weights; and as I did not wish to take too many into
my confidence, I arranged a tackle which I could work alone if
We set to work at once; and before nightfall had lowered, unhooked, and
placed in the positions designated for each by Trelawny, all the great
sarcophagi and all the curios and other matters which we had taken with
It was a strange and weird proceeding, the placing of those wonderful
monuments of a bygone age in that green cavern, which represented in its
cutting and purpose and up-to-date mechanism and electric lights both
the old world and the new.  But as time went on I grew more and more to
recognise the wisdom and correctness of Mr. Trelawny's choice.  I was
much disturbed when Silvio, who had been brought into the cave in the
arms of his mistress, and who was lying asleep on my coat which I had
taken off, sprang up when the cat mummy had been unpacked, and flew at
it with the same ferocity which he had previously exhibited.  The
incident showed Margaret in a new phase, and one which gave my heart a
pang.  She had been standing quite still at one side of the cave leaning
on a sarcophagus, in one of those fits of abstraction which had of late
come upon her; but on hearing the sound, and seeing Silvio's violent
onslaught, she seemed to fall into a positive fury of passion. Her eyes
blazed, and her mouth took a hard, cruel tension which was new to me.
Instinctively she stepped towards Silvio as if to interfere in the
attack.  But I too had stepped forward; and as she caught my eye a
strange spasm came upon her, and she stopped.  Its intensity made me
hold my breath; and I put up my hand to clear my eyes.  When I had
done this, she had on the instant recovered her calm, and there was a
look of brief wonder on her face.  With all her old grace and sweetness
she swept over and lifted Silvio, just as she had done on former
occasions, and held him in her arms, petting him and treating him as
though he were a little child who had erred.
As I looked a strange fear came over me.  The Margaret that I knew
seemed to be changing; and in my inmost heart I prayed that the
disturbing cause might soon come to an end.  More than ever I longed at
that moment that our terrible Experiment should come to a prosperous
When all had been arranged in the room as Mr. Trelawny wished he turned
to us, one after another, till he had concentrated the intelligence of
us all upon him.  Then he said:
"All is now ready in this place.  We must only await the proper time to
We were silent for a while.  Doctor Winchester was the first to speak:
"What is the proper time?  Have you any approximation, even if you are
not satisfied as to the exact day?"  He answered at once:
"After the most anxious thought I have fixed on July 31!"
"May I ask why that date?"  He spoke his answer slowly:
"Queen Tera was ruled in great degree by mysticism, and there are so
many evidences that she looked for resurrection that naturally she would
choose a period ruled over by a God specialised to such a purpose.  Now,
the fourth month of the season of Inundation was ruled by Harmachis,
this being the name for 'Ra', the Sun-God, at his rising in the morning,
and therefore typifying the awakening or arising.  This arising is
manifestly to physical life, since it is of the mid-world of human daily
life.  Now as this month begins on our 25th July, the seventh day would
be July 31st, for you may be sure that the mystic Queen would not have
chosen any day but the seventh or some power of seven.
"I dare say that some of you have wondered why our preparations have
been so deliberately undertaken.  This is why!  We must be ready in
every possible way when the time comes; but there was no use in having
to wait round for a needless number of days."
And so we waited only for the 31st of July, the next day but one, when
the Great Experiment would be made.




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