Today my toddler wanted to eat dosa or uttappa. There was no dosa batter at home and I didn’t want him to eat just suzi dosa. As always my Flax seed meal came to the rescue (yah I know we have been watching too much of “Super why” so the dialogues are coming from there, lol). Wanted to make this dish healthier so added avocado to it. He just loved it. Happy tummy, Happy mummy 

Studies have shown that eating avocado or avocado oil with veggies can dramatically increase the amount of antioxidants you take in.(To know more about Avocado click here) Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels. Flax-seed meal is really high in Omega-3.


  1. Jawas/ Alashi pith (Flax-seed meal): 1 Cup
  2. Rava/ Suzi: ¼ Cup
  3. Avocado: 1 Ripped 
  4. Kanda/ Onion: 1 (small finely chopped)
  5. Cheese (optional): ¼ cup (of your choice)
  6. Jeera powder/ Cumin powder: ½ Tsp.
  7. Garlic salt: ½ Tsp
  8. Salt: To taste
  9. Olive oil: 1 Tbsp
  10. Water: To make batter
  11. Kothimbir/ cilantro/ Coriander leaves: For garnish


 1.  Take an overly ripped avocado and make nice- smooth paste of it.
2.    Put flax-seed meal and suzi to it. Mix it well.
3.    Add onion, salt and spices to it.
4.    Now add water slowly, don’t add all the water at a time. Keep stirring while adding water.
5.    Make a smooth uttappa batter.
6.    Heat a pan and put or spray olive oil evenly.
7.    Spread the batter on the pan and keep the gas on high for first couple of minutes and later reduce the heat to medium-high.
8.    Put the lid on.
9.    Let the batter cook nicely from the bottom. Once you see nice golden brown base, flip the uttappa and cook again. You do not need to put the lid again.
10.  Once cooked nicely from both the side. Spread cheese on the uttappa and let it be on the hot pan for a minute or so. I used mozzarella cheese. You may add your choice of cheese if desired. This step is to totally optional.
11.  The uttappa is ready with a nice garnish of cilantro. This gives a nice color to this uttappa.
12.  Serve it HOT with your choice of chutney or butter or jam. It’s ok to serve it with jam sometimes since this uttappa itself is very very healthy. My toddler loved it, hope your family loves it too.
Avocado-Flax seed meal Uttappa

Note:Since I wanted to make it kid friendly, I didn’t add lot of spices in it. However, you may add any spices as per your family’s palate. Also you may add ginger-garlic paste and your choice of veggies in addition to the original ingredients.

I found this a very healthy version of uttappa, what do you think? Please post your comments on this blog on my blog page. If you like it give a thumps up and please share it with others.

Don’t forget to enjoy this yummy, kid-friendly dish. Happy Cooking!!!! 

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